Thank you for participating in the 2024 NHSDLC Spring JUNIOR WSD TOURNAMENT I .
Congratulations to all of you for competing in, and completing this tournament in a second language. We hope that all students have noticed improvements in their debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. We are excited to see where you go next!
As an elite youth debate program, NHSDLC Junior Debate is not only designed for young Chinese debaters between age 7 and 13, but also dedicated to connecting global debate programs. We will strive to develop an open and professional tournament in the future.
Young Mind, Fresh Ideas
Click here to see the ballots and comment sheets from the tournament ! [Password:iz9v]
Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists- 祝贺所有8强的团队
Team: Dominators CSS
汪子洋 - 北京市和平里第九小学
李澹然 - 深圳市前海小学
Cathy - 深圳外国语湾区学校
Team: Harbinger-HJJL
陈牧初 - 昆山康桥学校
袁天朗 - 平和双语小学
吕淏儒 - St Leonard's College
王琳曦 - 上海市民办平和学校
Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队
Team: DoraIsSoHandsome
王若岚 - 蛇口科爱赛国际学校
林佳谕 - 深圳绿洲国际学校
王嘉逸 - 蛇口科爱赛国际学校
Team: MSG
Marianne Lee Ali - IPEKA Integrated Christian School
Stephen Christopher Jenry - IPEKA Integrated Christian School
Joan Grace Arifin - IPEKA Integrated Christian School
Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队
Team: LL Panda
Dorothy Ding - 上海市卢湾中学
Moana - 上海民办扬波中学
Catherine Huang - Shanghai SMIC private school
A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队
Team: Doremi
吕玥然 - 深圳市南山区育才四小
吴沛谣 - 郑州市金水区澳新国际学校
殷偌晴 - 济南市安生学校
宋者羽 - 深圳市南山外国语学校文华学校
Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得辩手奖的选手
汪子洋 - 北京市和平里第九小学
陈牧初 - 昆山康桥学校
王方旭 - 上海中学国际部
宋者羽 - 深圳市南山外国语学校文华学校
Catherine Huang - Shanghai SMIC private school
Dorothy Ding - 上海市卢湾中学
唐煜奇 - 上海惠立学校
李澹然 - 深圳市前海小学
Stephen Christopher Jenry - IPEKA Integrated Christian School
Joan Grace Arifin - IPEKA Integrated Christian School