Thank you everyone for participating in the NHSDLC 2024 National Championship | Open Division.
Congratulations to all teams for qualifying and competing in the 2024 NHSDLC national championship. This year’s topic asked students if Brazil should prioritize environmental protection over its economic development. Students learned about the environmental and economic conditions in one of the most important countries in South America. Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament!
We hope that all students have noticed improvements in their debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication to debate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next!
If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our Summer 2024 Debate Camps .
Congratulations for advancing into Octofinals - 祝贺所有进入公开组年度冠军赛16强淘汰赛的团队
548549 - Chris Li - TE-YCM & 王康睿 - Daystar Academy
520522 - 廉涪钦 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 & Sara Bosshart - Leysin American School
525526 - 曹子睿 - Ripon Grammar School & 陈叙舟 - 上海中学国际部
529531 - 康哲翔 - Eastside Catholic Highschool & 俞佳吟 - 上海中学国际部
542543 - 潘博悦 - Astra Nova School & 齐芳源 - 上海星河湾双语学校
546547 - ThomasHuang - 北京十一学校 & 阿尔法·阿不力克木 - 北京鼎石学校
576577 - Loveleen Candra - ACS JKT & Matthew Lee Ali - SPH LV
592593 - 黄书钰 - 万科双语 & 陈嘉悦 - 上海包玉刚学校
Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists - 祝贺所有获得公开组年度冠军赛8强的团队
533535 - 李怿轩 - 上海星河湾双语学校 & 叶擎宣 - 包玉刚实验学校
574575 - Sean Levi Danuseputra - SPH LV & Ava Mikayla Emmanoelle Kasih - SPV LV
554555 - 于维安 - 北京大学附属中学 & 宋一诺 Mia Song - Saint Andrew’s School
552553 - Maggie Tang - 上海中学国际部 & 奚牧云 - 上海平和学校
Congratulations to the Semifinalists - 祝贺所有进入公开组年度冠军赛半决赛的团队
550551 - 王正浩 - 北京市鼎石学校 & Jessica Ye 叶佳旖 - UWC Changshu
516524 - Genivee Ge - UWC常熟世界联合学院 & Sophie Xiyan Jin - 上海中学国际部
Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺公开组年度冠军赛亚军团队
509510 - 曹东尼 - 中国人民大学附属中学中外合作办学项目 & 刘植 - Homeschool
A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺公开组年度冠军赛冠军团队
540541 - 贾景翔 - Beijing 101 High School & 李松晓 (Songxiao Li) - Stanford Online High School
Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得公开组年度冠军赛最佳辩手奖的选手
510 - 刘植 - Homeschool
541 - 李松晓 (Songxiao Li) - Stanford Online High School
577 - Matthew Lee Ali - SPH LV
520 - 廉涪钦 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校
576 - Loveleen Candra - ACS JKT
575 - Ava Mikayla Emmanoelle Kasih - SPH LV
554 - 于维安 - 北京大学附属中学
509 - 曹东尼 - 北京市人民大学附属中学中外合作办学项目
574 - Sean Levi Danuseputra - SPH LV
555 - 宋一诺 Mia Song - Saint Andrew’s School