
2023 NHSDLC Fall Ningbo Online Tournament


· Results

Thank you everyone for participating in the 2023 NHSDLC Fall Ningbo Online Tournament. 

Congratulations to all teams for competing in, and completing this tournament in a second language about human space exploration. Private space tech companies like SpaceX are starting to challenge traditional advantages that public sectors hold over space investment. Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament !

We hope that all students have noticed improvements in their debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication to debate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next!


If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our 2024 Winter Debate Camps 



Open Division


Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists- 祝贺所有8强的团队

528529 Harrison & Zirui Peng - Basis international school park lane harbor

526527 王艺潼 & 姚晟琪 - 上海光华学院剑桥国际中心

516517 鲍可桢Abigail & 芦意Betty - 上海光华学院剑桥国际中心

524525 Chelsea Zhang & Aurora Wei - 上海协和双语学校


Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队

508509 杨雅晶 & 白佳玥 - 杭州贝赛思国际学校

510511 刘植 - 浙江省镇海中学 & 路尚宜 - 北京十一学校


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

514515 Yulia - XHIS & Hannah - GHCIS


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

504505刘子玉 - Basis international School Guangzhou & 李松晓 - Stanford Online High school



Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

510 刘植 - 浙江省镇海中学

528 Harrison - Basis international school park lane harbor

511 路尚宜 - 北京十一学校

515 Hannah - GHCIS

514 Yulia - XHIS

516鲍可桢Abigail - Guanghua Cambridge International School

524 Chelsea Zhang - Shanghai United International School

512张旸 - Hangzhou Foreign Languages School

517 芦意Betty - Guanghua Cambridge International School

505 李松晓 - Stanford Online High school



Middle School Division 

Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队

108109 沈语岑 - 上海星河湾双语学校 & 严悦宁 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校

102103 刘子墨 - 深圳绿洲国际学校 & 李怿轩 - 上海星河湾双语学校


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

116117 Marcus Xu - 上海星河湾双语学校 & Phila Zhao - YKPAO school



A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

112113 张洛伊 - 上海民办平和学校 & Elaine Fan - Shanghai High School International Division



Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

117 Phila Zhao - YKPAO school

116 Marcus Xu - 上海星河湾双语学校

108沈语岑 - 上海星河湾双语学校

102刘子墨 - 深圳绿洲国际学校

103 李怿轩 - 上海星河湾双语学校