
2022 Spring Online Tournament II

· Results

Thank you everyone for participating in the NHSDLC 2022 Spring Online Tournament II.

Congratulations to all teams for competing in, andcompleting, 4 difficult debates in a second language about different aspects of patents, their economic and social implications across different countries.Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament!

We hope that all students have noticed improvements intheir debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication todebate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next!

If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our Summer 2022 Debate Camps .

Middle School Division

Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists - 祝贺所有进入8强的团队 


105106 Zhang Yutong - SMIC School & Wang Zidong - Shanghai American School (Pudong) 127128 TSZ SEN ZHU - Basis International School Guangzhou & 申槟睿 - Basis International School Guangzhou

131132 陈欣雨 - 上海星河湾双语学校 & 边若兮 - 上海包玉刚实验学校

133134 林抒彦 - 复旦大学第二附属学校 & 田島龍也 - Hong Kong Japanese School 


Congratulations to the Semifinalists - 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队 

100101 朱雅祺 - 北京市海淀区太平路小学 & 周皓博 - 上海民办平和学校

102103 陈昕怡 - 清华附小 & 王欣予 - 上海星河湾双语学校 


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队 

111112 胥茜文 - 上海金山杭州湾双语学校 & 张汝生 - 上海金山杭州湾双语学校 


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队 

135136 龚子宜 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 & 褚诗语 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

120 - 王悠然 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 

135 - 龚子宜 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 

129 - 蒋翼 - 上海市青浦区世界外国语学校 

128 - 申槟睿 - Basis InternationalSchool Guangzhou 

119 - 金瑜芯 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 

111 - 胥茜文 - 上海金山杭州湾双语学校 

140 - 谢思飞 - 广州贝赛思国际学校 

105 - Zhang Yutong - SMIC School 

112 - 张汝生 - 上海金山杭州湾双语学校 

118 - 姚雨含- 赫德双语